
Acepoxy Epoxy grout – Paper Joint Epoxy


A three component, fully solid epoxy grout consists of Part A and Part B in a pail and Part C in a separate pouch. It is hygienic, impervious, stain-free, chemical and acid resistance grout. It does not absorb water, thus resist bacterial and fungal growth. It is a high abrasion and impact resistant grout for ceramic tille, vitried le and natural stone for narrow joint applications (less that Imm joint).

  • Can be used for narrow joint application(less than 1mm joint)
  • provides smooth and uniform joints
  • Excellent sag resistance
  • High stain resistant
  • High abrasion and temperature resistance
  • High chemical and acid resistant
  • High shock and impact resistant
  • Germ, bacterial and fungal resistance
  • Easy maintenance and water cleanable
  • It is best used for dining room, child room, study and drawing room, hospitals, operation theateres, restaurants, cafeterias, high traffic area, etc.

It is best suited for bath room, dining room, child room, study and drawing room, hospitals, operaon theatres, restaurants, cafeterias, high trac areas, etc.

Acepoxy Epoxy Grout – Paper Joint Epoxy

Epoxy unit Calculator
Area to be Tiled metres sq.
Tile width mm
Tile length mm
Tile depth mm
Spacer mm
500g Kit required Quantity required in kg’s
1kg Kit required
3kg Kit required
Note: Add 10% for wastage at site

Pack size:

Available in 1kg and 3kg pack. (Each kits consists of carefully blended superior quality filter powders, resin and hardener, gloves and scrub pad)